ASSOCIAÇÃO NÓ GÓRDIO (Portugal)/ Dissemination Plan NGO NO GORDIO, Portugal
We will share the result online and offline:
Online: We will share it on our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...) also we will publish articles in our Blog written by our participants about the topic of Circular Economy. This kind of activities will reach people at local, national and international level.
Offline: We will organize dissemination events in our office to share the information with other member of our organization and the organizations in Paredes, Porto. Also, we will organize events in participants schools.
Participants will be involved from the beginning of the project, asking them to share in their social media, news about the Circular Economy, Environment protection and info the mobilities experiences. They will be responsible to write the articles and publish them in the blog. Addionally they will be responsible for organize the dissemination activities in their schools.
ASSOCIAÇÃO NÓ GÓRDIO (Portugal) will disseminate the program through the following webpages:
Webpage of the organization:
Facebook Page of the organization:
Instagram Page of the organisation:
Online Newspaper 1:
Online Newspaper 2:
Online Newspaper 3:
Online radio 1:
After the approval of the proposal, the logo of the program will be created, which will accompany every publicity action. A special space will be designed on the website of our association especially for the program where both the actions of preparation and the actions of the implementation of the program will be registered and displayed as well as the results from the integrated program. Also, we are going to create the webpage of the project. Following the selection of the beneficiaries, a communication and information exchange group will be set up between the youth, foundation, and local community working groups.
To achieve the best possible diffusion results, each individual action during the implementation of the program will be documented and made public through photographic and videotaped material during and after the completion of the program. These, together with printed material, will be the basis of the campaign for the dissemination of our results. The Erasmus + Outcome Platform will be used, which offers a comprehensive presentation of all Erasmus + funded projects, highlighting projects, good practices, and further dissemination of learning outcomes.
Also, the Webpage of the project will be created.
The participants in the project, after a complete preparation and guidance, will be able to use their experience by organizing workshops, under the guidance of the team leader, where they will be able to transfer the know-how acquired during the program implementation. The youth will act as educators-multipliers in the local community and will deliver printed and electronic material for information and awareness of those interested. Each participant, during a specific time, will be publishing relevant material on the association's website, to inform all interested parties about the results of the project and extensive information will be provided from the first day that will be organized. All the announcements will be gathering and sent from the youth to the local press and to the association's collaborating bodies, as well as the material with the used training material during the project will be presented and distributed to youth organizations and associations from all the members.
In all our projects that we implement we are making open webpages to the public which always are there for long time after the ending of the project. Some examples of previous project that were implemented from our organisation through the coordination of Nikolas and Evangelia (as project manager) the president of applicant organisation is the following:
Climate Changes As Fast As Fashion 1 (2014):
Climate Changes As Fast As Fashion II (2021):
Non-Formal environmental Education (2015):
Save Our Environment Save Our Selves (2018, 2019):
Out of Te Box (2021):
Act For Changes (2021):
Mental Health (2021):
Self-Improvement and Coaching as a life skill (SICALS, 2021):
Social Entrepreneurship Against Discrimination (SENAD, 2021):
Innovation through Thinking Out of the Box (IN&OUT, 2022):
RE-Connect with Nature protecting the Environment For Inner Health (RECONNECT, 2022):
Re-Establish Diversity and Inclusion in Environmental Locations (REDIEL, 2022):
As anyone can see even if we have a lot of project it's important for us, the applicant organisation to keep the results of the project open to public for many years after the implementation of one project. Always we are learning through this procedure and we are getting better.
NGO ACPELIA CYPRUS will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages and other sources:
Webpage of the organization:
Facebook Page of the organization:
Instagram of the organization:
Personal webpage of the president of our organization:
Open Facebook page of the program
Webpage of the project
Radio Station: Pissouri Chariandri Radio:
Radio Station of the students in Technical University of Cyprus:
National Conference of Natural Sciences and Environment in Cyprus:
NGO YOUTH MIX (Armenia)/ Dissemination Plan Armenia
We will share the results online and offline:
Online: We will share it on our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...) also we will publish articles in our Blog written by our participants about the topic of Circular Economy. This kind of activities will reach people at local, national, and international level.
Offline: We will organize dissemination events in our office to share the information with other member of our organization and the organizations in our town and neighborhood towns. Also, we will organize events in participants schools.
We would promote the project on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Our partner organizations will share news about our project. We will use #inovationandyouthworkers #INTROCAAC hashtags on social media, which will provide high visibility and would become an interesting challenge for young people to follow. We would kindly ask our volunteers and members to share those hashtags and join our challenge. Also, we would implement our follow-up activities of the project, where participants would be able to share their ideas and continue our challenge.
NGO YOUTH MIX (Armenia) will disseminate the program through the following webpages and other sources:
Facebook page of the organisation:
Facebook page of collaborating NGO:
Facebook page of collaborating NGO:
Facebook page of collaborating NGO:
Instagram page of the NGO:
Tik Tok Page:
Instagram page of collaborating NGO:
NGO SENSE (Moldova)/ Dissemination plan
We will share the result online and offline:
Online: We will share it our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...) also we will publish articles in our Blog written by our participants about the topic of Circular Economy. This kind of activities will reach people at local, national and international level.
Offline: We will organize dissemination events in our office to share the information with other member of our organization and the organizations in North Macedonia. Also, we will organize events in participants schools.
-The "SENSE" Association from Moldova was founded in 2022 at the initiative of some people involved in the life of people with visual impairments. The aim of the association is to offer people with disabilities the chance to integrate in the community. The mission of the association is to help and provide support to people with disabilities, especially those with visual impairments in order to adapt to the community and to find an active role in it. Sense Association have experience in working with people with disabilities, creating the framework for social integration, fair play rules for sport activities, adaptation of activities to create equity for each participant to the activity. The association is currently collaborating at the national level with blind association from Moldova, 2 national media publication.
At the international level, the association collaborates with the association of the blind in Iasi, Romania for exchanges of knowledge, experiences and culture. They have already planned 2 international exchanges of experience for people in their community. The dissemination of the project will be mainly by the participants and members of the organization by organizing follow up activities in their community but also writing reports and sharing them online. As a follow up activity, the youth workers will meet with stakeholders but also with beneficiaries with the community, which the organization works with and will implement 1-2 workshops that were more impactful within the project.
NGO SENSE (Moldova) will disseminate the program through the following webpage:
NGO Jaunimo laisvalaikio centras (Lithuania)/ Dissemination plan
-YOUTH LEISURE CENTER from Lithuania spread among youth people social competences, help youth to integrate to political, economical, social and cultural country and government life, promote youth initiative, self-expression, give ability to realize themselves and participate in EU programmes. The center has experience in youth exchange projects, in the implementation of multilateral and bilateral youth exchange projects, has close contacts with foreign partners. Competence in working with young people: young people with fewer opportunities for the integration of socially responsible activities, social competencies, the formal system of education of young people drop out (drop outs) motivation, volunteering promotion, promotion of healthy living, environmental education. Participants will share their experience on their personal social profile pages. Project's results will be shared with local, national community and partners, friends abroad by writing articles, posts, sharing professional photos and videos. Knowledge and good practices will be shared in Youth Leisure Centre's organized activities, events etc.As follow up activity,the participants of the training will organize a workshop in their center about bullying and the ways to prevent it .The project will be visible on all their social pages, local newspaper, municipality's social page in Facebook and their website: (Web page of the organisation)
- (Facebook page of the organisation)
- (Instagram page of the organisation)
- (Municipality's web page where we would write an article.)
- (Our community's news portal, where we would write an article about the project.)
NGO ACSFJ Costuleni from Romania/ Dissemination Plan NGO ACSFJ Costuleni from Romania
-ACSFJ Costuleni from Romania, is a non-profit organization that was born in 2014 with the desire to provide to disadvantaged young people the opportunity to develop through sports. Currently, the organization works with 5 communities of vulnerable groups. Through sports education, they educate among young people skills such as perseverance, self-education, team spirit and collaboration. The objective and mission of the organization is to provide young people with the opportunity and the chance to make a leap into their future so that they emerge from the vicious circles in which they are trapped due to family, community, or social status. The dissemination of the project will take place both online and offline. They will organize meetings and follow up activities with young people in their community, implementing various tools and knowledge that will gained from the training and use them in their upcoming projects. The results of the project will be through their social platforms and with their local partners and the following online news and radios in Romania.
Online Newspaper 1: Pandurul Newspaper
Online Newspaper 2: Gorjeanul Newspaper
Online Newspaper 3: Gorj Express Newspaper
Online Newspaper 4: CronicaOlteniei Newspaper
TV station 1: Accent TV
TV station 2: Gorj TV TV
Radio 1: Târgu-Jiu Radio
Radio 2: Romania Actualitati Radio
NGO Umbrella (Georgia)/ Dissemination Plan NGO Umbrella, Georgia
We will spread the outcomes on our social media (instagram & Facebook) also on website. We will implement follow-up activities within our youth centers. We will ask our international networks YEE and IYNF to share via newsletters and/or post on the social media and websites.Participants will create their owns social media contents to spread the call, they will be the one who will be doing the activity offline at the youth centers and they will be creating the press-reaslies and text to share them at local communities and media outlets. This is our website where we will post the outcomes of the project
NGO Umbrella works to inspire youth by connecting them to new life experience and support self‐expressing & sharing through their community ,giving the opportunity to watch and support community building, as well cultural & Interfaith dialogue actions. Working to break stereotypes, promote the concept of non-violence education through a diversity of non-formal technique and actions related to Democracy, Active Citizenship, European Citizenship, Human Rights, Intercultural Dialogue, Peace, Entrepreneurship, Youth Policy, Integration Of Minorities, Empowerment, Leadership Gender Equity and Entrepreneurship. The dissemination of the project will be mainly by the participants and members of their organization by organizing follow up activities in their region. As a follow up activity, they will do a weekly workshop online and on site to discuss about the success of the project and what is the next step that it needs to take action. The young people will decide working in groups what needs they have as a community related to the topic and they will create a new project based on their needs.
We will follow our dissemination plan of the participants through these channels:
Forum of youth organizations - sharing gained experience with local NGOs.
Public Event - Participants organize a meeting with local youth and share their experience + promote Erasmus + in general.
Website Report - Summary of a project on our website. Youtube Video - Sharing fragments of a project. Our participants are responsible for designing it.
Participants' Stories - On our website we publish articles about participants experiences.
Project Toolkit on Salto Youth Portal - We group activities and make a digital version to share with other organizations. It includes activities, their description, use, etc.
Participants will be involved from the beginning of the project, asking them to share in their social media, news about the Environment protection and connection with the environment and info the mobilities experiences. They will be responsible to write the articles and publish them in the blog. Additionally, they will be responsible for organize the dissemination activities in their cooperating schools.
NGO Wings Of Art (Ukraine)/ Dissemination plan
We will share the result online and offline:
Online: We will share it our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...) also we will publish articles in our Blog written by our participants about the topic. This kind of activities will reach people at local, national and international level.
Offline: We will organize dissemination events in our office to share the information with other member of our organization and the organizations in our area. Also, we will organize events in participants schools.
-ON THE WINGS OF ART from Ukraine, was established in 2014 and their main aim is the development of culture and art, peace promotion and cross culture communication between different nations. The organization is based on the democratic principles of openness, tolerance and equality, uses innovative ways of work and methodology of non formal education. They have a lot of experience in international projects as well as in organizing projects in Ukraine about the promotion of peace, culture diversity, social inclusion, self-improvement etc using all kinds of arts (music, dance, theater, storytelling, photo therapy etc).The dissemination of the project will be mainly by the participants and members of the organization by organizing workshops in different cities of Ukraine but also writing reports and share them online. Also, most of their participants usually volunteer in many charity organizations and they will organize presentations about the project there as well. The results of the project will be through their social platforms: