Determine the "Why" of your business. What is the underlying problem you aim to address and the rationale behind initiating your business?
For visually impaired people to be more independent and to increase their confidence to have a more inclusive community and for banks also to expand their services to the clients that are not able to see.
Giving more independence and self-help to people with visual disability by giving them the opportunity to handle it by themselves.
Saves time for banks because the people will not stay in rows inside the bank.
Define the operational framework, the "How," of your business. How do you effectively manage and operate your business? How do you employ strategies to solve the identified problem and align with your underlying purpose?
Creating a special app that will help visually impaired people to access ATMs machines.
Specify the product or service offerings that define your business. What specific products or services do you provide to your customers that directly align with your purpose and effectively address the identified problem?
B2B concept. The main customers are the banks, which will use the soft for the final beneficiary, the people with visual impairments.
Technical detail: To start the soft needs to be a button on the ATM with braille dots and next to it a plug for headphones. Once you press the button the ATM change from Regular use to VoiceOver Use and blind persons can use the ATM to withdraw cash.